Gary Olson

Gary Olson

Gary Olson


Neuste Entdeckung des Hamburger Labels Tapete. Verblüffendes Solodebut von GARY OLSON, Sänger der Indieband LADYBUG TRANSISTOR (mit sieben Alben zwischen 1995-2011), die 2007 auch das letzte Album von KEVIN AYERS musikalisch ausschmückte. Sehr entspanntes und melodiöses Songwriting, ganz in der Tradition von Robert Forster of Go-Betweens. (Juni 2020)

The Old Twin 3:11 Min:

Postcard From Lisbon 3:47 Min:

This album is a tale of two cities, or rather, two studios; one in Hayland, Norway and the other in Flatbush, Brooklyn and two brothers who came up with the idea making a record with indie rock wizard Gary Olson which now links the two locations. Gary Olson is the lead singer, main songwriter and plays trumpet with the band Ladybug Transistor who have released five albums on Merge Records. He is also producer and engineer at Marlborough Farms studio deep in the heart of Flatbush Brooklyn. Although the initial idea was to do simple recordings Ladybug Transistor fans will no doubt be pleased to find Gary’s signature exultant trumpet sound, the luscious strings and gorgeous pop hooks so favored by that band present in plenty on this album. The melodies are at once both delicate and strongly memorable and the lustrous production gives a sheen reminiscent of the best ‘70s commercial radio and ‘80s indie pop.