Piano Works


Piano Works

Moderne Klassik

Ein hervorragendes neues Album mit Klaviermusik von MOONDOG, eingespielt vom französischen Pianisten FRANCOIS MARDIROSSIAN.

Megadisc Classics: Was Moondog a hippie or a beatnik?

Amaury Cornut: At the age of 16, having lost his sight after picking up a dynamite primer along a railroad track, he grew a beard and let his hair grow long, cutting it only on rare occasions. Before writing music, he was already writing very short poems, a sort of haikus, distiches, often humorous, satirical or melancholy, sometimes all three at the same time. A mischievous Moondog would later say “I was a beatnik before the beatniks”.

François Mardirossian: Moondog was a hobo musician. Homeless for a certain time, he tried by all means to make a living from his music. As Kerouac would have said, he was a dharma bum! He hopped freight trains to go meet Bach and, on the way back, took off to listen to Charlie “Bird” Parker and Benny Goodman. Meanwhile, he was staying with Philip Glass, listening to Duke Ellington and meeting Leonard Bernstein and Arturo Toscanini when attending rehearsals of the New York Philharmonic.

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